Happy July!
I feel weird saying that because those of us who live in Phoenix are not happy with the long string of days with temps in the 110-115 range. Ugh. I know other states and places around the world are also dealing with heat waves, too. The one time of the year I don’t love living in the Valley of the Sun is the summer. Maybe at some point in the future I’ll rent a place with cooler temperatures during the hot months so I can get not feel like I’m dying whenever I go outside. That would be lovely.
On to writing updates!
Right now, I’m on draft one of book EIGHT of a ten book series set in a fictional small town in Arizona. The longest series I’d ever written before this was four books, so writing ten has been wild. I’ve also only ever written books set in real towns in Arizona, so making up a place was a very interesting experience. I have no idea when this series will be released, but hopefully within in the next two years. Stayed tuned for more details!
As for future releases, I’m hoping to release another three book series next year, this one set in my beloved Phoenix about three food bloggers who spend their days cooking and baking and looking for love, of course. I’m working on getting feedback on the books and then I’ll start my search for a developmental editor and cover designer. People think things move slow in traditional publishing and indie publishing happens with a click of the fingers but that is so not the case, I’ve discovered. I have to take my time because I don’t want to publish something that doesn’t meet my high standards.
Happy reading to my fellow readers and happy writing to my fellow writers!