Two Year Publishing Anniversary

Two years ago today, I published my first book, Follow Your Bliss.

I’ve released three other books since then and I’m gearing up to publish my fifth in the fall of this year.

I’m so glad I decided to publish Follow Your Bliss on Valentine’s Day. I chose that day so I would never forget it and because I thought it was fitting for a romance book to come on what many consider to be the most romantic day of the year.

A lot’s happened since, some good and some bad.

But that’s life, isn’t it?

We have to take the ups with the downs.

I apologize for not having much to say in this post, but I don’t want to repeat last year’s tribute.

Instead, I’ll encourage all writers and creators out there who want to put their work up for public consumption to do it. Just do it. Nothing is ever going to be perfect, and if you tinker and tinker until it is, that day will never come.

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