I’m always talking about the big issues in writing, I know (I’m being sarcastic, by the way). But when I was thinking about what I wanted to write about for this month’s blog post, I decided to tackle the debate about writing to music, which is a bit of a controversial topic among authors.
Okay, it’s not controversial. That’s a little bit hyperbolic.
But it is interesting to me because I feel like most writers are all or nothing: either they have to listen to music while writing to immerse themselves in the story or they have to have silence, because listening to music while writing is too distracting and stops the flow of their creativity.
As for me?
I can write to silence or music.
It’s true.
Some days, I’m in the mood for a little background noise while I write. Other days, I’m perfectly fine tapping away at the keyboard in silence.
And I write the same amount with music or silence, weirdly enough.
I don’t find I’m more or less productive listening to music than I am writing in silence.
Which is kind of weird since most writers are so adament that they need one or the other.
But I’m smack dab in the middle.
As someone who loves music, I will say it does feel like my writing sessions go by faster when muisic’s playing, but they just feel that way.
At the end of the day, when it comes to writing and music, just like most writerly advice, every writer has to figure out what works best for them.
If you can jot down the words with beautiful chords and harmonies playing in the background or in stark silence, you’re just like me! Welcome to the club.